2013 Board Meeting Archives

Date Location Materials
Date November 14-15 Location ESD 112 (Vancouver) Materials
  1. Agenda
  2. Highlights
  3. Minutes
  4. Complete Board Packet
  5. Announcement of Nominations
  6. Strategic Plan
  7. Accountability Framework
  8. SBE/PESB joint lunch
  9. 5491 Discussion
  10. Draft Charter Rules
  11. Election of Officers
  12. Student Presentation
  13. Legislative Agenda
  14. Option 2 Waiver
  15. Private Schools
  16. Board Meetings

Additional Materials:

Public Comment

Date September 10-12 Location ESD 105 (Yakima) Materials
  1. Agenda
  2. Highlights
  3. Minutes
  4. Complete Board Packet
  5. Retreat Discussions
  6. Strategic Plan
  7. Legislative Priorities
  8. Student Presentation
  9. Required Action Districts
  10. Accountability Framework
  11. Executive Committee Nominations
  12. Spokane School District Authorizer Application
  13. Charter School Rules
  14. Option Two Waivers Study
  15. Next Charter Rules
  16. Private Schools
  17. School Visits

Additional Materials:

Public Comment:

Date July 10-11 Location ESD 101 (Spokane) Materials
  1. Agenda
  2. Highlights
  3. Minutes
  4. Complete Board Packet
  5. Strategic Plan Dashboard
  6. Accountability Framework
  7. Small Group Discussion Questions
  8. English Language Learners
  9. Charter Schools
  10. Proposed Charter Rules
  11. BEA Waivers
  12. Student Presentation
  13. Next Generation Science Standards
  14. OSPI NGSS Slides
  15. Private Schools

Additional Materials:


June 19


OSPI (Olympia)

K-20 Access:
* ESD 101
* ESD 105
* ESD 171

  1. Agenda
  2. Highlights
  3. Minutes
  4. Charter Authorizer Evaluation Rubrics
  5. Rubrics Instruction Sheet
  6. Overview of Final Index Revision for USED
  7. Index Model
  8. Index Timeline Chart
  9. AAW Final Report
  10. Complete Board Packet
Date May 8-9 Location Federal Way Public Schools District Office (Federal Way) Materials
  1. Agenda
  2. Highlights
  3. Minutes
  4. Complete Board Packet
  5. Strategic Plan Dashboard (ppt)
  6. Achievement and Accountability Workgroup Feedback and Recommendations (Handout1) (Handout2) (Exercise)
  7. Achievement Index Exhibits (exhibits) (ppt)
  8. Revision of Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) for English Language Learners (ppt)
  9. Next Generation Science Standards - Adoption Considerations
  10. Charter School Authorizer Review and Approval Process (approval draft) (ppt)
  11. Student Presentation (ppt)
  12. Public Hearing on Proposed Rules for Charter Schools
  13. BEA Waivers
  14. CTE Course Equivalency - A Practitioner's Perspective (panelists)
  15. Achievement and Accountability Workgroup: Phase II (ppt)
  16. Index Discussion - Preparation for June Special Meeting
  17. Board Vacancy Interviews Agenda - May 7
  18. Video of May 8 proceedings:
    8:30 - 11:45 am
    1 - 3:45 pm
    3:45 - 4:30 pm
Date March 29 Location OSPI (Olympia) Materials
  1. Agenda
  2. Highlights
  3. Minutes
  4. Standards Setting for Year 1 and Year 2 Mathematics Collections of Evidence
  5. Standards Setting Presentation
Date March 13-14 Location ESD 113 (Tumwater) Materials
  1. Agenda
  2. Highlights
  3. Minutes
  4. Complete Board Packet
  5. Dashboard
  6. K-12 Funding Overview
  7. An Analysis of Current District Graduation Requirements (pdf)(ppt)
  8. Achievement Index Recommendations (pdf) (ppt)
  9. Federal Accountability for English Language Learner Outcomes (pdf)(ppt)
  10. Basic Education Waivers
  11. Rule Making for Charter Schools (pdf)(pdf)(ppt)
  12. Achievement Index Next Steps (pdf)(ppt)
  13. Legislative Update
  14. SBE and School Accountability - History and Context a. (pdf)(ppt) b. (ppt)
  15. Alternative Learning Experience, Online Learning, and Considerations for a Competency-based System (pdf)(ppt)(pdf)
Date February 26 Location OSPI (Olympia) Materials
  1. Agenda
  2. Highlights
  3. Minutes
  4. Complete Board Packet
  5. Public Hearing on Draft Charter Rules
  6. RCW 28A.710.090
  7. CR 102 for RCW 28A.710.090
  8. Proposed WAC 180-19
  9. OSPI Fiscal Statement for Sec. 209
  10. Proposed Draft Amendment for WAC 180-19
  11. Outline of Proposed Draft Amendment for WAC 180-19
  12. Proposed Timelines for RCW 28A.710.090
Date January 9-10 Location ESD 113 (Tumwater) Materials
  1. Agenda
  2. Highlights
  3. Minutes
  4. Complete Board Packet
  5. Strategic Plan Dashboard
  6. Graduation Data
  7. Achievement Index Recommendations
  8. Quality Charter School Authorizing
  9. Teacher Recognition
  10. Charter School Rule-Making
  11. State Assessments
  12. Achievement Index - Next Steps
  13. Legislative Update
  14. Joint Task Force on Basic Education Funding - Update
  15. Charters CR 101
  16. Private Schools
  17. Motions