Recurring Reports
Statewide Indicators of Educational System Health Report
The State Board of Education reports on the health of Washington’s educational system every two years. The authorizing legislation (RCW 28A.150.550) directs the SBE to:
- Establish endpoint goals and biennial performance targets.
- Report on the status of the six specified indicators,
- Indicate whether the measures meet the biennial goals, and
- To recommend evidence-based reforms to improve the outcomes if one or more indicators are not performing to the desired level.
View Previous Reports:
Charter School Report
The State Board of Education is required by statue (RCW 28A.710.250) to write an annual report on the performance of the state's charter schools. The statute requires the annual charter school report to include the following:
- Charter school performance during the prior year, compared to the home district and state averages.
- Comparison of charter school students' performance with similar student groups in traditional public schools.
- SBE's evaluation of successes, challenges, and improvements needed to meet the goals of the Washington Charter Public Schools Act, including funding adequacy and authorizer funding formula adjustments.
- Recommendations for changes to state laws or policies to strengthen charter schools.
View Previous Reports:
Joint Report with SBE & Professional Educator Standards Board
Every two years the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) and the State Board of Education (SBE) write a joint report on the “the progress the boards have made and the obstacles they have encountered, individually and collectively, in the work of achieving the goals” of basic education in Washington State. This is required by RCW 28A.305.035.
View Previous Reports:
Graduation Pathway Options Report
Graduation pathway options are a high school graduation requirement that were implemented for the Class of 2020 (RCW 28A.655.250) and are now one of three broad requirements students must complete to earn a Washington state diploma.
In anticipation of potential barriers, the Legislature charged the State Board of Education with researching the first three years of pathways implementation to identify barriers and provide recommendations for changes to the existing pathways and additional pathways options.
View Previous Reports:
- 2022 Graduation Pathway Options Report
- 2021 Graduation Pathway Options Report (Volume 1)
- 2021 Graduation Pathway Options Report (Volume 2)
- 2020 Graduation Pathway Options Report
- 2020 Graduation Pathway Options Interim Report
Mastery-based Learning Reports
Mastery-based Learning Work Group (2021)
The Mastery-based Learning Work Group members believe that Washington has an imperative to shift the focus of our education system from an industrial model that sorts students to one that intentionally supports every student in developing the range of dynamic skills we want to see in each graduate of our public K-12 system. Read the report that outlines the group's recommendations including the adoption of a Washington State Profile of a Graduate which features skills all of our state's students should demonstrate before graduation. Download a summarized, graphic version of this report.
Mastery-based Learning Work Group Report
The Mastery-based Learning (MBL) Work Group has examined opportunities to increase student access to relevant and robust mastery-based academic pathways aligned to personal career goals and postsecondary education, and reviewed the role of the High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP) in supporting mastery-based learning. This report includes recommendations to the Legislature in regard to MBL in Washington State. Download a summarized, graphic version of this report.
Mastery-based Learning Interim Report
The state of Washington, through Mastery-based Learning work group, is embarking on an exciting journey to reimagine our state's education system. This report outlines activities of this group throughout 2019 and plans moving forward into 2020. Definitions regarding Mastery-based (sometimes known as competency-based) education are established in this interim report.
One-Time Reports
Graduation Requirements Alignment
As directed by SSB 5249 (Chapter 144, Laws of 2021), the state’s Mastery-based Learning (MBL) Work Group developed a Washington State Profile of a Graduate describing the cross disciplinary skills a student should have developed by the time they graduate high school. The Legislature charged the State Board of Education (SBE) with reviewing the Profile of a Graduate and submitting a report to the Legislature in December 2022 with findings and recommendations.
Report on Graduation Requirements, Emergency Waiver Program
Engrossed House Bill 1121 of 2021, authorized the State Board of Education (SBE) to establish an emergency waiver program to allow school districts to waive certain high school graduation requirements on an individual student basis after the district makes a good faith effort to help the student meet the requirements. The bill requires the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to provide SBE with certain data to complete a report for the Education Committees of the Legislature addressing two main topics. First, the SBE is to report on the total number of emergency waivers requested and issued, by school district, including an indication of what requirement or requirements were waived. Second, SBE is to provide an analysis of any concerns regarding school district implementation, including any concerns related to school district demonstrations of good faith efforts identified by the SBE during its review of the data. Read the latest research brief (released March 2023).
Threshold Scores for Tenth Grade English Language Arts and Math State Assessments
This is a report on the student performance standard that a tenth grade student will need to achieve on the state assessments to be on track to be career and college ready at the end of the student’s high school experience. It was submitted to the Governor, and education policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature.
Examination of Economy & Efficiency Waivers
This examination is in response to the requirement of RCW 28A.305.141 that the State Board of Education (SBE) examine the basic education waivers for purposes of economy and efficiency that have been granted under this section and make a recommendation to the Legislature.