
Future Ready Logo. Blue Future with arrows on the F and E. Followed by the word "ready" below in dark red.

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Any questions about FutureReady can be directed to: 

J. Lee Schultz, Deputy Executive Director 

FutureReady is an initiative aimed at updating Washington State high school graduation requirements to better prepare students for the future. The goal is to empower students with the essential knowledge and skills they need to thrive in a changing world, while streamlining the graduation requirements framework to promote accessibility and equity. 

Why Are We Updating Graduation Requirements?

In today's rapidly changing landscape, our current graduation requirements may fall short of fully preparing students for success. We've heard from students, educators, employers, and community members calling for updates to ensure students develop skills in areas like technology literacy, financial literacy, and cultural competence. Moreover, the current requirements have become overly complex, making them both hard to navigate and inequitable.  

FutureReady aims to address these challenges by revamping graduation requirements to empower students with essential skills, while also streamlining the framework to promote accessibility and equity. Rather than making small adjustments, this effort seeks to holistically review the current framework, integrating essential skills while promoting interdisciplinary and inclusive learning. 

By modernizing our graduation requirements, we not only address the immediate needs of students but also lay the groundwork for a more dynamic and responsive education system. 

What Is FutureReady’s Timeline?

This initiative is expected to span multiple years, culminating in a major legislative proposal anticipated for the 2027 session. Along the way, we will reach key milestones, including a budget request to the Legislature and interim reports with findings and recommendations, with a commitment to transparency and adaptability based on stakeholder input and resource availability. 

The Board formally launched FutureReady work in 2024. The next step will be the convening of a cross-sector task force in early 2025. This task force will be composed of people representing students and families, community-based organizations, K-12 educators, post-secondary education partners, employers, and policymakers. 

FutureReady Initiative Timeline - Early 2025 Launch task force of cross-sector partners & community liaisons. Early-Mid 2025  Collaborate on shared vision and identify areas of focus. Subcommittees designated based on focus areas. Mid-Late 2025  Develop recommendations for updated requirements. Early-Late 2026 Develop legislative proposal based on recommendations. 2027 Legislative Session Legislature considers proposal. 2027 & Beyond Implementation and phase-in of FutureReady-related updates.


How Can You Get Involved?

Whether you're a student, parent, educator, employer, or community member, your input is invaluable. There will be opportunities for public comment and feedback throughout the process.  Here are a few ways you can stay up-to-date on what we’re working on! 

  • Complete our Interest Form if you want to be more involved in the initiative. This will help us tailor opportunities to your interests and expertise. 

Want to Learn More?

Download our FutureReady handout for an overview of the initiative and key objectives.

Our FutureReady FAQ section answers many of the questions we've received about the initiative.

In November 2024 SBE staff hosted a webinar. During the webinar, staff talked about some of factors that have contributed to the creation of the FutureReady Initiative, highlighted major milestones the Board hopes to achieve, and answered some frequently asked questions.