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NOTICE: New legislation was passed in the 2017 legislative session that affects assessment graduation requirements. We are working to update these webpages. For more information, click here.
Click on your year to see the state graduation requirements. Students are assigned an expected graduation year at the time they enter ninth grade (WAC 180-51-035). They are held to the graduation requirements of that graduation year regardless of the year they actually complete high school. [Back to Graduation Requirements]
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State Requirements for the Class of 2018
Cohort: Students entering 9th grade from July 2014 through June 2015
2018 Graduation Requirements
Credits: 20
Non-Credits: High School & Beyond Plan, Washington State History
Assessments: 2
Districts may have local requirements. Students and parents should check with school counselors for additional requirements for graduation. The requirements for the Class of 2018 are described in WAC 180-51-067.
An automatic 2-year extension for implementing the additional credits in English and social studies was available to districts that applied. For these districts, the credit requirements for the Class of 2015 are extended through the Class of 2018. View a list of districts with extensions.
Total number of credits: 20
Subject |
Number of Credits |
Additional Information |
4 |
3 |
Algebra 1 or Integrated Math 1 |
2 |
At least one lab |
3 |
U.S. History and Government |
1 |
Performing or visual arts |
2 |
.5 credits of Health |
1 |
A CTE course, or a course that meets the definition of an exploratory course as described in the CTE program standards |
Electives |
4 |
*A student may elect to pursue a 3rd credit of math other than algebra 2 or integrated math 3 if the elective choice is based on a career oriented program of study identified in the student’s High School and Beyond Plan, and the student, parent or guardian, and a school representative meet, discuss the plan, and sign a form (WAC 180-51-067).

Non-Credit Requirements
- Washington State History
(See OSPI testing webpage. For more information on state-approved alternative assessments see OSPI graduation alternatives webpage.)
- High school grade English language arts Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC)* (or state-approved alternative)
One math End-of-Course Exam (EOC) in Algebra 1/Integrated Math 1 or Geometry/Integrated Math 2
or high school math Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC)
*(or state-approved alternative)
Students will take a high school science exam, the WCAS (Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science) aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards, in 11th grade. It is not a graduation requirement and students will not need to pass the test to graduate.
* Students need to meet a graduation score, set by the State Board of Education in August 2015, to meet graduation requirements. The graduation score is different from the college- and career-ready score (Level 3 on the Smarter Balanced assessments).
Frequently Asked Questions
- Alternative Assessments / Certificate of Academic Achievement
- Credits
- Culminating Project (eliminated as a state requirement for students who graduate after the 2013-2014 school year, may still be required by the school district)
- Diploma
- Graduation Requirements
- Home-Based Instruction
- World Language Proficiency