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High School & Beyond - 10. How are parents and guardians involved with the High School and Beyond Plan or process?

Each student shall have a high school and beyond plan to guide his or her high school experience, including plans for post-secondary education or training and career. School districts are encouraged to involve parents and guardians in the process and development and updating the High School and Beyond Plan. The plan must be updated at least once a year, ideally with the involvement of the parents or guardians. Parents must be notified of the plan and opportunities to access interventions and academic student supports.

Per WAC 180-51-220:

  • The plan must be provided to the students’ parents or guardians in their native language if that language is one of the two most frequently spoken non-English languages of students in the district.
  • School districts are encouraged to involve parents and guardians in the process of developing and updating the High School and Beyond Plan.
  • The content of the third credit of mathematics and the content of the third credit of science must be chosen by the student based on the student's interest and high school and beyond plan with agreement of the student's parents or guardian or agreement of the school counselor or principal.
10. How are parents and guardians involved with the High School and Beyond Plan or process?