Alerts and Notifications

To edit the content of an alert or notification, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the appropriate link below to go to the edit screen for an alert or notification.
  2. From the edit screen, the Body field contains the contents of the alert or notification. Adjust as needed. Use the content editor toolbar to format the content.
    • Note: Do not change the Block description.
  3. When finished, click Save.

To enable or disable the display of an alert or notification, perform the following steps:

  1. From the admin toolbar, expand Structure, and then click Block layout.
  2. Look in the Alert section for two blocks, one titled Alert Banner and the other Notification Block.
    • To the right of each block is a button that will be labeled either Enable or Configure. If the block is not currently displaying on the site, then Enable is available; if it is visible, then Configure is displayed.
  3. To display a block that is currently hidden, click Enable. To hide a block, click the arrow to the right of the button to expand the list of options, and then choose Disable.