Credit for Students in or Released from Institutional Education Facility

(4) For students in or released from an institutional education facility, school districts must provide students with access to world language proficiency tests, American sign language proficiency tests, and general education development tests. Access to the tests may not be conditioned or otherwise dependent upon a student's request. School districts must award at least one high school credit to students upon meeting the standard established by the state board of education... (RCW 28A. 320.192) Available WSSDA Model Policies: 2402P - English Language Arts Mastery-Based Learning and Credit 2403P - Math Mastery-Based Learning and Credit 2404P - Science Mastery-Based Learning and Credit 2405P - Social Studies Mastery-Based Learning and Credit 2418/2418P - Waiver of High School Graduation Credits 3117 - Students in or Released from an Institutional Education Facility
Classification: Notification
Students are required to complete to graduate (Graduation Requirement): NO
Districts/LEA are required to offer to all students: NO
District/LEA are required to offer: NO
District is encouraged to offer: NO