State Board of Education to Hold Public Hearing on Draft Rules Related to State’s First Public Charter Schools

OLYMPIA, Wash. –The Washington State Board of Education’s February 26 meeting in Olympia, at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, will include a public hearing on draft rules pertinent to the state’s first public charter schools.

Those wishing to provide comment on the draft rules may attend the hearing in Olympia, via K-20 video feed in Spokane at the office of ESD 101, or by writing us directly (

The draft rules establish an annual application and approval process and timelines for local school boards seeking approval to be charter school authorizers. For example, the current draft rules will require school districts to submit an authorizer application to the State Board by June 15 and for the State Board of Education to make decisions on those applications by August 15. The draft rules also set requirements for districts applying to authorize charter schools, as well as criteria for the evaluation and approval or denial of those applications.

The Board’s work with public charter schools began with the passage of Initiative 1240. Initiative 1240 calls for the State Board of Education to work with local school districts who wish to authorize a charter school. Local school boards seeking to be charter school authorizers must apply to and be approved by the State Board. Upon approval, school districts must also submit annual reports to the Board evaluating charter schools’ performance under contract. The State Board is also responsible for submitting annual reports to the Governor and Legislature, as well as an analysis of the public charter schools program five years after its induction.

The draft rules and more information on charter schools is available at

The Board meeting will begin Tuesday, February 26 at 1:00 p.m.

The meeting agenda and materials are now available at:

Time for public comment will be provided. The public and news media are invited to attend.


Contact: Aaron Wyatt, Communications and Partnerships Director

About the State Board of Education: The State Board of Education provides advocacy and strategic oversight of public education. The board is comprised of 16 members: five are elected by school board directors, seven are appointed by the Governor, two serve as student representatives, and one serves as a private school representative. The Superintendent of Public Instruction is also a member.

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