SBE Bids Farewell to Two

Washington State Board of Education (SBE) former Chair, Kevin Laverty, and Private Schools Representative and Board Member, Judy Jennings will end their terms on the Board beginning January 2020. The following is a statement about Kevin and Judy’s contributions to education in their capacities at SBE from Chair Peter Maier.

Former Chair and respected colleague, Kevin Laverty, has brought extensive knowledge and guidance to the Board during his seven-year presence as a Board Member and leader. He cared deeply about hearing from parents and communities across the state and strove to ens

ure that the Board was receiving public input on all of its decisions. Kevin also served on several local school boards and as president for the Washington State School Directors Association. During his career in public education, Kevin has been a force for ensuring equitable access for all students to a meaningful and quality education.

Judy has been an invaluable asset to the State Board in her role as Private Schools Representative since her election in 2016. A tireless advocate for students as a former teacher and administrator, she has led important education work such as strengthening curricula in special education and AP courses, and represented Washington at State and National levels.


I hope you will join the Washington State Board of Education in congratulating Kevin and Judy for their accomplishments and service.

Peter Maier
The Washington State Board of Education

SBE celebrated Kevin and Judy at the November 6 and 7 Board Meeting in Bremerton. Board Member Bill Kallappa III honored departing Members with a traditional blanket ceremony. Judy was awarded the Columbia Award by the Washington Federation of Independent Schools. Both Board Members were awarded letters from Governor J. Inslee at a recognition dinner.

Blanket Ceremony

Some Board Members and staff shared their view about Kevin:

  • I have so enjoyed listening to your global perspective and witnessing your fun and light nature being on the Board with you! -MJ Bolt, Vice Chair
  • Thanks for your life-long dedication to serving Washington’s students. In various capacities, you have shown remarkable compassion and real commitment for achieving what should be, but remains elusive in our system of education - equity and high levels of achievement for all students. -Ricardo Sanchez, Board Member
  • You know what’s truly important in life, and I’m so grateful for that. -Alissa Muller, Staff

And Judy:

  • I learned a lot from Judy, but what stands out is that, while she represented private schools, it made no difference in what she wanted and expected from our education system.What was good for kids, was good for kids and it didn’t matter whether they attended private or public schools. -Connie Fletcher, former Board Member
  • I loved hearing you talk about your travels and the church-based outreach in which you participated that are making a difference in the lives of people who need the kind of help that we often take for granted. -Jeff Estes, Board Member
  • Your heart of service does not go unnoticed and we will miss your irreplaceable personality and words of both wisdom and plain jokes. The board has been lucky to have you thus far! -Margarita Amezcua, Student Board Member

Thank you for your service and dedication to Washington education, Kevin and Judy!

Related article: SBE Welcomes New Members.