The real SBE seal

We asked elementary school students all over Washington to submit name ideas for Snorkels. We received close to 200 submissions! Many of them are thoughtful, funny, and creative - like our kids. Check out the gallery of coloring sheets submitted to us. After a state-wide vote, a fourth-grade student from Lake Steven's Glenwood Elementary (Oksana Shevchuck's class) won with his submission "Snorkels," with 14 percent of the votes.

Invite our seal and a delegate from the State Board to your school

We’re always looking for ways to engage with schools. If you invite the State Board seal to your classroom, an SBE delegate will come with to help educate our students on state government and education. Email to coordinate with us!

More about the seal

The Washington State Board must adopt a seal, and that seal shall be kept in the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (28A.305.130).

Adopted on behalf of the Board in summer 2022 with 100 percent donated funds, the State Board’s seal is an educational interactive symbol for SBE. The SBE seal has their own Instagram account ( where they will document their journeys throughout Washington schools, attend Board meetings and report back, and share relatable resources that help educate the public on what the Board is and what the Board does—all while residing officially in its home: the Old Capitol Building in Olympia.