Ethnic Studies Listening Sessions

Students spoke and we listened.

The State Board of Education has heard from students across the state demanding that diverse perspectives be incorporated in all subjects and grades and that courses be devoted to exploring ethnic studies in a deep way. In response, the State Board reflected on what it could do within its areas of authority to advance ethnic studies and decided to pursue establishing an ethnic studies graduation requirement (see Board resolution).

We heard from students, families, educators, and Washington residents about what they’d like to see in an ethnic studies requirement and any thoughts they’d like to share with the Board on this topic.

Find out more information on the Ethnic Studies Graduation Requirement page.

Watch Alicia Ing, former Renton High School senior share her view about ethnic studies and her experience during last year's Modern Day Racism in Education student panel.

For more information, watch Jasmin Patrón-Vargas address the State Board at the September 2021 meeting. Topic: ethnic studies implementation in other states, recommendations for Washington.