Basic Education Compliance

In our state, SBE is responsible for certifying that school district are in compliance with the program requirements of Basic Education (WAC 180-16-195, WAC 180-16-200, and RCW 28A.150.220(7)) each year. This gives the Board an opportunity to work with districts, and to get important data about school district programming. See the graph below as an example of the kind of data collected (from last year). We hope to share more data and visualizations as we work to complete Basic Education Compliance verification.

State-mandated activities/offerings
New to the survey this year
For the 2022-23 school year, the survey application has been updated to address feedback from superintendents. It now includes clearer explanations of the various requirements, improved validation and logic, and a number changes to improve usability. ATTENTION: It is no longer necessary to complete FP 600 in iGrants as in previous years. Superintendent responses to this survey, and responses to possible follow-up questions from SBE staff, complete the reporting requirement for the 2022-23 school year. The Board will certify compliance during the July and September Board meetings. Staff will follow up over the summer or in early fall with districts that appear they may be out of compliance, or that are having other challenges implementing the requirements.

The survey includes questions about:

  • Instructional hours and days
  • Graduation requirements: subject areas and credits, graduation pathway options, the High School and Beyond Plan, and local graduation requirements
  • State-mandated and state-recommended educational offerings and activities
  • Mastery-based learning
  • Emergency waiver administration and data

Survey responses are due August 18. If you are a superintendent, you should have received at least one email with the survey link. If you haven't, please let us know as soon as possible!