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Summary: The State Board of Education, the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee (EOGOAC), and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction have identified 391 schools state-wide to receive recognition.

Additionally, the state Legislature has acknowledged the last week in April as Washington School Recognition Week (April 27 – May 1, 2020).
"Washington schools are inspiring. With these awards we recognize the outstanding efforts of our schools and their positive impact on students,” said Washington State Board of Education Chair, Peter Maier. “The State Board, OSPI, and the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee are excited to celebrate the diverse educational communities that support Washington’s ever-changing K-12 student population. Thank you to our state's schools and educators for your dedication to students!”
The State Board of Education, along with partners and schools plan to celebrate safely during Washington School Recognition Week by posting to social media. Data supporting the reason each school was selected for recognition is featured on SBE’s website and pages will be shared via social media on Twitter all week with the hashtag #WASchoolsWeek.
“The Legislature is dedicated to recognizing the great work Washington schools do,” said Senator John McCoy, of Tulalip, member of the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee and sponsor of this year’s Senate resolution honoring state-recognized schools. “With the current health concerns in our state, we are taking time to thoughtfully and safely celebrate the commitment and success of our schools in serving all students equitably.”
“Right now, the whole world is understanding the significance of our public schools,” said Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal. “Public education provides each student with an opportunity for success; it’s the foundation of our democracy and our society. Next week, we are honoring our educators who are committed to continually improving outcomes for their students. Thank you all for your amazing work.”
Recognized schools receive a banner and certificate for display. To learn more about why schools were recognized, and to see the data behind the recognition framework, visit