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New graduation requirements in Washington have sparked important conversations since rules were adopted in November. SBE hosted its third forum on new graduation pathway options for students (required for the Class of 2020 and beyond) in Tumwater this past month.
Despite poor weather conditions, 30 members of the Olympia-area community came together and discussed the new pathway options with State Board Members at ESD 113. The SBE Community Forum format is usually small group discussion hosted by Board Members at circular tables, followed by a large-group share-out.
Feedback about graduation pathway options that SBE received at ESD 113 had similar themes to past forums and survey work done so far by SBE contractor, Strobel Consulting. Passionate parents, counselors, school administrators and more discussed topics like parent engagement, student voice, and the 24-credit requirements – as they relate to graduation.
Common themes:
- Consider adding more pathway options (e.g. an arts-focused pathway)
- Think about how we can use project-based learning in graduation requirements
- Address barriers for students in special education
- Open more doors for dual credit options, as this is a new pathway option
SBE is currently working with Strobel Consulting to host focus groups and survey people about the new graduation requirements, and their equity and adequacy in serving Washington students.
If you are interested in giving your view on graduation pathway options, please take the online survey. It will be open until March 8.
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