State Board of Education Selects New Executive Director

OLYMPIA, Wash. – At their special meeting today, the State Board of Education (SBE) selected Dr. Randy Spaulding as their new Executive Director.

Dr. Spaulding will begin as SBE’s Executive Director on January 8, 2018.

“The entire Board looks forward to working with Randy as our new Executive Director,” State Board Chair Kevin Laverty said. “His numerous demonstrated skills include collaboration, team-building, and a commitment to equity. Additionally, his fiscal, planning, and policy experience will ensure that he is able to guide the Board through this important time of transition and SBE’s upcoming strategic planning process.”

Prior to his selection, Dr. Spaulding worked for the Washington Student Achievement Council as the Director of Academic Affairs & Policy. He has worked in education policy in Washington for over 20 years, including at the Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board and in multiple positions at the University of Washington at Bothell.

Dr. Spaulding earned his doctorate from the University of Washington in Education Policy and Leadership Studies. Both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees were received from the University of Montana.

“I am honored by the trust that the SBE has placed in me,” Dr. Spaulding said. “I look forward to working with the State Board and its partners to ensure all students are provided with the opportunities and resources they need to succeed in school and in life.”


About the State Board of Education: The State Board of Education provides advocacy and strategic oversight of public education. The Board comprises 16 members: five are elected by school board directors, seven are appointed by the Governor, two serve as student representatives, and one serves as a private school representative. The Superintendent of Public Instruction is also a member. For more information on the State Board of Education: