2011 Archives

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Date Location Files
November 9-10 Vancouver
  1. Agenda
  2. Complete Packet
  3. Highlights
  4. Minutes
  5. Strategic Plan Update
  6. BEA Waiver Criteria
  7. Proposed High School Graduation Requirements and Credit Definition
  8. Teacher of the Year Recognition
  9. Public Hearing - Proposed Amendments to WAC 180-51-066 (High School Graduation Requirements and WAC 180-51-050 (Definition of a High School Credit)
  10. Governance Work Plan
  11. Common Core Standards Update
  12. Discussion with the Professional Educator Standards Board
  13. Alternative Learning Experiences
  14. Transitional Bilingual Funding Policy, Senator Joseph Zarelli
  15. Washington STEM Center, Ms. Julia Novy-Hildesley
  16. ESEA Update
  17. Merit Schools and Required Action Districts
  18. Business Items
  19. Approval of Private Schools
  20. BEA Compliance
September 12-15 Tacoma
  1. Agenda
  2. Complete Packet
  3. Highlights
  4. Minutes
  5. Approval of Private Schools
  6. Strategic Plan Update
  7. Waiver Criteria and Requests
  8. Draft Revisions to SBE Graduation Requirements and Credit Definition Rules
  9. Legislative Considerations
  10. Governance Work Plan
  11. Wenatchee School District TPEP, Mr. Jon Dejong and Mr. Mark Goveia
  12. Online Learning
  13. State Assessment Results
  14. Accountability Update
  15. Middle School Survey of College and Career-Ready Practices
  16. The Opportunity Gap - African American Students
  17. NASBE Common Core Meeting Report
August 9 Olympia
  1. Agenda
  2. Complete Packet
  3. Minutes
  4. Cut Scores for End-of-Course Assessments and Measurement of Student Progress
July 12-14 Marysville
  1. Agenda
  2. Complete Packet
  3. Highlights
  4. Minutes
  5. Retreat Materials
  6. Consent Agenda
  7. State Assessment Standard-Setting Process
  8. BEA Waiver Criteria and Requests
  9. Public Hearing
  10. Online Learning Policy and High School Credit
  11. Teacher - Principal Evaluation Pilot
  12. Building Student Achievement: Marysville School District and the Tulalip Tribes
  13. Preview of Upcoming Rule Changes
July 1 Olympia
  1. Minutes
May 11-12 Pasco
  1. Agenda
  2. Complete Packet
  3. Highlights
  4. Minutes
  5. Delta High School
  6. Effective Strategies in Math and Science
  7. SBE Required Action Process
  8. Strategic Plan Dashboard
  9. Policy Leadership for Closing the Achievement Gap
  10. Student Presentation
  11. Waiver Requests and Criteria
  12. Student Video Contest
  13. Legislative Update
  14. Effective and Accountable Governance
  15. SBE Transitions
  16. Retreat Planning
April 28 Olympia
  1. Agenda
  2. Complete Board Packet
  3. Minutes
  4. Onalaska School District Application
March 31 Olympia
  1. Agenda
  2. Complete Packet
  3. Highlights
  4. Minutes
  5. OSPI Role in the Required Action Process
  6. Renton Application
  7. Onalaska Application
  8. Soap Lake Application
  9. Morton Application
  10. BEA Compliance Rules
  11. Role of SPI and SBE in ESHB 1849
March 9-10 Tumwater
  1. Agenda
  2. Complete Packet
  3. Highlights
  4. Minutes
  5. Strategic Plan Dashboard
  6. Governance
  7. Common Core Update
  8. Legislative Update
  9. Required Action District Update
  10. Waiver Applications and Innovation Waivers
  11. BEA Compliance Rule Revisions
  12. Connections: High School To College
  13. Standard Setting for Math EOC and Science MSP
  14. Washington Achievement Awards
  15. Data Systems
January 12-13 Tumwater
  1. Agenda
  2. Complete Packet
  3. Highlights
  4. Minutes
  5. Strategic Plan Dashboard
  6. Closing the Achievement Gap
  7. Teacher Recognition
  8. State Fiscal Situation and Implications for K-12
  9. OSPI Legislative Initiatives
  10. SBE Legislative Strategy
  11. Middle School Initiative
  12. 180-Day Waiver Requests
  13. BEA Compliance
  14. Update on the State Education Reform Plan
  15. Student Presentation
  16. Early Learning