2021 Meeting Materials

Date Place City
January 13-14 Zoom Lacey (virtual meeting)
February 25 Zoom Virtual meeting
March 10-11 Zoom Olympia (virtual meeting)
May 12-13 Zoom Seattle (virtual meeting)
July 14-15 Zoom Yakima (virtual meeting)
September 9, 14-16 Zoom Leavenworth (virtual meeting)
November 3-4 Zoom Bremerton (virtual meeting)
December 2 Zoom Virtual meeting

January 13-14

February 25

March 10-11

May 12-13

July 14-15

September 9, 14-16

November 3-4

December 2

Board meetings are a limited public forum and comments from members of the public are accepted on current agenda items or matters under the authority of the Board.

Comment is subject to time limitations, typically three minutes, and other restrictions at the discretion of the Chair. Any member of the public wishing to make a comment must sign up in advance of the comment period for the day.

Those wishing to comment remotely must:

  1. Connect to the meeting via Zoom
  2. Use the comment window in Zoom to sign up for comment prior to the time noted on the agenda
  3. Have adequate quality audio connection for members to clearly hear and understand your comments. If members are unable to hear your comments you will be asked to submit your comments in writing to sbe@k12.wa.us.