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Legislative Priorities

2024 Legislative Platform

Legislative Priorities (click to enlarge view)At the October 2023 meeting, the Board adopted its 2024 legislative platform. It focuses on three priorities: 

2023 Board Meetings

The Board typically meets bimonthly. Find materials and agendas on SBE's meetings site. If you wish to give public comment at any meeting, you may sign up at the meeting (either in-person or on Zoom). Written comment is accepted at


State Board of Education Resolutions 

2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2010 | 2009 | 1993


The State Board of Education is responsible for implementing a standards-based accountability framework that creates a unified system of increasing levels of support for schools in order to improve student achievement (RCW 28A.305.130). 

Education System Health

Statewide Indicators of Educational System Health

Resolution - 2014 Graduation Requirements

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Resolution to Approve Washington State Graduation Requirement Framework: Career and College Ready

Adopted on January 9, 2014

WHEREAS, Our children are our state’s future and our education system must prepare them now for the continuing challenges of the 21st century; and

WHEREAS, All students deserve an excellent and equitable education; and

Resolution - 2014 School Discipline

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2014 Resolution to Raise Awareness of School Discipline Concerns and Best Practices

Adopted on March 6, 2014

Resolution - 2014 McCleary Funding

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2014 Resolution on the McCleary School Funding Decision and school funding proposals entertained during the 2015 Legislative Session

Adopted on September 10, 2014

WHEREAS the Washington State Constitution establishes, as the paramount duty of the state, to make ample provision for the education of all children residing within its borders; and

Resolution - 2013 AntiBullying

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2013 Anti-Bullying Resolution

Supporting Inclusion of Students in Anti-Bullying Policymaking

Adopted on November 15, 2013

WHEREAS the State Board of Education affirms its commitment to strongly support the inclusion of students in the development of anti-bullying policies within school communities; and
