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Charter Public Schools


List of Charter Schools  |  Documents  |  Timeline for Applications  |  FAQs  |  Resources

The State Board of Education has multiple responsibilities under the charter school law for administration, oversight and reporting. Its primary responsibility is approval of school districts wishing to be authorizers of charter schools. Through its representation on the Washington State Charter School Commission, it also participates in the authorizing of charter schools. For detailed information about charter schools, see the Charter Schools FAQ

SBE Statutory Duties for Charter Schools

  • Screen, approve, contract with, and oversee the performance and effectiveness of school districts that authorize charter schools within their boundaries
  • Establish a statewide formula for an authorizer oversight fee
  • Certify charter school applications approved by CSC or a district authorizer between approval and contract ratification (to ensure there is space available within the 40 maximum allowed by law).
  • Create annual charter school report for Governor, Legislature, public at large
  • Petitions for charter contract transfers (review and determine whether to grant)
  • Include all charter schools in its public school system oversight, including accountability measures, to the same extent as other public schools
  • SBE chair, or designee, serve as a member of the Charter School Commission

List of SBE-certified Charter Schools

There are 18 currently certified charter schools. The total does not include closed schools. Please see the table below for the status of current and previously certified schools.

Charter School Authorizer Status
First Place Scholars Commission Closed in 2016
Ashé Preparatory Academy Commission Closed in 2019
Green Dot: Destiny Middle School Commission Closed in 2019
Green Dot: Excel Middle School Commission Closed in 2019
Rainier Valley Leadership Academy Commission Open
Impact Public Schools: Puget Sound Elementary Commission Open
PRIDE Prep Spokane Open
Rainier Prep Commission Open
SOAR Academy Commission Closed in 2019
Spokane International Academy Commission Open
Summit Public Schools: Atlas Commission Open
Summit Public Schools: Olympus Commission Open
Summit Public Schools: Sierra Commission  Open
Innovation Public Charter School Commission Closed in 2021
Impact Public Schools: Salish Sea Elementary Commission Open
Catalyst Public Schools: Bremerton Commission Open
Lumen High School Spokane Open
Why Not You Academy Commission Open
Whatcom Intergenerational High School Commission Open
Impact Public Schools: Commencement Bay Commission Open
Impact Public Schools: Black River Commission  Open 
Pullman Community Montessori Commission Closed July 2024
Pinacles Prep Commission Open
Rooted School: Vancouver Commission Open 


Charter Schools Authorizer Application
Charter Schools Reports
Other Charter Documents
Charter Rules & Statutes

Timeline for Authorizer Applications

Charter Authorizer Applications Due Date
Last date for posting of authorizer application by SBE May 15
Last date for district notice of intent to submit authorizer application June 15
Last date for district to submit authorizer application October 15
Last date for SBE to approve or deny authorizer application February 1
Last date for SBE authorizing contract with approved district March 1
Charter School Applications Due Date
Last date for all authorizers to issue RFPs for charter applicants March 1
Last date to submit charter applications to authorizers June 1
Last date for authorizers to approve or deny charter applications September 1
Last date for authorizers to report approval or denial of charter applications to SBE See note1

1The date by which authorizers report approval or denial of charter applications to the SBE is set by RCW 28A.170.150(2) at ten days from the action to approve or deny.

Frequently Asked Questions

Authorizer Annual Reports (2017 and older)





District Documents

Additional information

2021 - Compendium of NACSA Publication on Quality Charter School Authorizing
2016 - NACSA Principles & Standards for Quality Charter School Authorizing
